Dr. Sridevi Jade

Outstanding Scientist & Head

CSIR Fourth Paradigm Institute (CSIR-4PI), NAL Belur Campus, Bangalore-560037, India

Phone: (+91) 80-25224667, 25051921  and   Fax:  (+91) 80-25220392

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Dr. Sridevi Jade, is currently the Head and Outstanding Scientist of the CSIR Fourth Paradigm Institute (CSIR-4PI), Bangalore. Dr. Jade obtained her Ph.D. and Masters in Engineering from the Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore. She joined CSIR-CBRI in 1988 and then subsequently she joined CSIR-4PI (Formerly CSIR-CMMACS) in 1993. For past 3 decades she has been in CSIR pursuing R&D and Management roles. She is a recipient of National Mineral/Geoscience award for her contribution in the field of disaster management. She also received Sir CV Raman young scientist award for exceptional contribution to Earth Science. Her major research area is GNSS based multidisciplinary research and has handled several multi institutional network projects & serving on several State, National & International committees. She served as Senate Member of AcSIR and is currently member of National Supercomputing Mission (NSM), National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems (NM-ICPS), CSIR Advisory Board. She is Mission Director for CSIR Mission on Smart Agro-technologies and currently pursuing the CLAIM (CSIR League for AI based Industrial Manifestation) activity.

Dr. Sridevi Jade pioneered GPS (Global Positioning System) based Geo-science research in India since 1994 and is an acknowledged researcher in this field. Over the years, she lead several multi-institutional hazard mitigation projects in most difficult terrains (Ladakh, Northeast, Andaman’s) spread across the country which resulted in first time precise estimates of crustal motion and strain models for Indian plate interior and boundaries thus providing recurrence rate of large earthquakes in India. She was instrumental in setting up National Network of GPS stations as a part of National GPS programme of DST and later MoES for monitoring the seismo-tectonic activity in India for earthquake hazard assessment. Her publications in high impact SCI journals speak of the quality of her research output and citations indicate the current relevance of her research in the national and international context. also lead mega translational research project ARiEES covering diverse scientific fields: cyber security, earthquake hazard and climate change, using data intensive modelling and crowd sourcing approach.