Research Milestones

Estimation of precipitable water vapor over Indian Subcontinent using GPS Data.

Instrumental in setting up National Network of GPS stations in South India,
Ladakh, Kumaon Himalayas and North east India, as a part of Department of
Science and Technolgy (DST) programme of implementation of National
Network of GPS stations for Earthquake Hazard Assessment.

Extraordinary contributions to the development of GPS geodesy in India,
leading to several firsts in quantifying the kinematics of the Indian Plate.

Painstaking effort in creating a wide base of GPS expertise amongst the
country's scientists through several courses designed meticulously to
impart hands-on capabilities.

Deformation modelling of Discontinous media.

Landslide hazard mapping in Gharwal Himalayas and contributed significantly
towards the hazard assesment in general.

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