
Research papers in SCI Journals - 30

Citations - 350 ; hindex - 10

Conference presentations/proceedings - 28

Books - 3

General Articles -50

Publications in SCI Journals

Sridevi Jade, H.J.R.Rao, M.S.M.Vijayan, V.K.Gaur, B.C.Bhatt, Saigeetha J., M.B.Ananda and P.Dileepkumar, 2009 ` GPS derived deformation rates in northwestern Himalaya and Ladakh ' International Journal of Earth Sciences, DOI 10.1007/s00531-010-0532-3.

M. Mukul, Sridevi Jade, Bhattacharya, A. K. and Bhusan, A., 2009 ` Crustal Shortening in Convergent Orogens: Insights from Global Positioning System (GPS) Measurements in Northeast India ' Journal Geological Society of India 75, 302-312.

M. Mukul, Sridevi Jade, A. Matin , 2009 ` Active Deformation in the Darjiling-Sikkim Himalaya based on 2000-2004 Geodetic Global Positioning system Measurements ' Numerical Methods and Models in Earth Science: Indian Statistical Institute Platinum Jubilee Volumes, P.Ghosh & S. Bandyopadhyay (eds.), New India Publishing Agency, New Delh pp. 1-28.

J. K. Catherine, V. K. Gahalaut,A. Ambikapathy, Bhaskar Kundu, C.Subrahmanyam, Sridevi Jade,Amit Bansal, R.K.Chadha, M.Narasaiah,L.Premkishore, D.C.Gupta, 2009 ` 2008 Little Andaman aftershock: Genetic linkages with the subducting 90E ridge and 2004 Sumatra-Andamanearthquake ' Tectonophysics, 479(3-4), 271-276,DOI: 10.1016/j.tecto.2009.08.

Sridevi Jade, and M.S.M.Vijayan (2008), 'GPS-based atmospheric Precipitable Water Vapor estimation using meteorological parameters interpolated from NCEP Global Reanalysis Data'J. Geophys. Res.,113, D03106, doi:10.1029/2007JD008758.

Sridevi Jade, V.K.Gaur,M.S.M.Vijayan,P.Dileep kumar (2008), 'Long Term GPS Deformation Rates in the Karakoram terrane of Ladakh' Himalayan Journal of Sciences (special issue) 5(7) p.156, DOI: 10.3126/hjs.v5i7.1335.

V. K. Gahalaut, Sridevi Jade, J. K. Catherine, R. Gireesh, M.B. Ananda, P. Dileep Kumar , M. Narsaiah, S. S.H. Jafri, A. Ambikapathy, A. Bansal, R.K.Chadha, D.C. Gupta, B.Nagarajan, S. Kumar. , 2008 ` GPS measurements of postseismic deformation in the Andaman-Nicobar region following the gaint 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake ' J. Geophys. Res., 113, B08401, DOI: 10.1029/2007JB005511

V. K. Gahalaut, J. K. Catherine, Sridevi Jade, R. Gireesh, D.C. Gupta, M. Narsaiah, A. Ambikapathy, A. Bansal, R. K. Chadha , 2008 ` No evidence of unusually large postseismic defromation in Andaman region immediately after 2004 Sumatra-Andaman earthquake ' Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L10307, DOI: 10.1029/2008GL033704.

Sridevi Jade,Malay Mukul, Anjan Bhattacharyya, M.S.M.Vijayan, Saigeetha Jagannathan , Ashok Kumar, R.P. Tiwari, Arun Kumar, S. Kalita, S.C. Sahu, A.P. Krishna, S.S. Gupta, M.V.R.L. Murthy, V.K. Gaur , 2007 ` Estimates of interseismic deformation in Northeast India from GPS measurements ' Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 263/3-4, 221-234, DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2007.08.031

Sridevi Jade, M.S.M.Vijayan, S.S. Gupta, P.Dileep Kumar, V.K.Gaur and S. Armugam 'Effect of M 9.3 Sumatra-Andaman Islands Earthquake of 26th December 2004 at some permanent and campaign GPS stations in the Indian continent' International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol.28, Nos. 13-14, July2007, 3045-3054

Sridevi Jade, M.B.Ananda, P.DileepKumar, Souvik Banerjee `Co-seismic and post-se ismic displacements in Andaman and Nicobar Islands from GPS measurements' Current Science, Vol. 88, No. 12, 25 June 2005, pp 1980-1984.

Sridevi Jade, MSM Vijayan, V.K.Gaur, Tushar Prabhu, S. C. Sahu `Estimates of Precipitable Water Vapor from GPS data in Indian Subcontinent' International Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, Volume 67, Issue 6, April 2005, pp623-635.

Sridevi Jade, B.C. Bhat, R.Bendick, V. K. Gaur, P. Molnar, M.B. Ananda and P.Dileep Kumar. 'GPS measurement from the Ladakh Himalaya, India: Tsets o f Plate-like or continuous deformation in Tibet', Geological Society of America Bulletin,Vol 116, N umber 11, Nov 2004, 1385 1391.

Sridevi Jade, `Estimates of Plate velocity and Crustal deformation in the Indian Subcontinent using GPS geodesy', Current Science, Vol.86, No.10, May 2004.

Sridevi Jade and T.G.Sitharam , 'Characterization of strength and deformation of jointed rock mass based on statistical analysis', ASCE International Journal of Geomechanics , September 2003.

Sridevi Jade, M. Mukul, I. A. Parvez, M. B. Ananda, P. D. Kumar, V. K. Gaur, R. Bendick, R. Bilham, F. Blume, K. Wallace, I. A. Abbasi, M. Asif Khan and S.Ulhadi, 2003, `Pre-seismic, co-seismic and post-seismic displacements associated with the Bhuj 2001 earthquake derived from recent and historic geodetic data', Proceedings of Indian Academy of Sciences (Earth and Planetary Sciences), Bhuj Special edition, September 2003.

Sridevi Jade, Malay Mukul, Imtiyaz A. Parvez, M. B. Ananda, P. Dileep Kumar and V.K.Gaur, `Estimates of Coseismic Displacement and Post-seismic Deformation using Global Positioning System Geodesy for the Bhuj earthquake of January 26 2001', Vol.82, No.6, 25 March 2002, pp.748-752

T.G.Sitharam, Sridevi Jade, and N. Shimizu, ` Practical equivalent continuum characterization of jointed rock masses', International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2001, 38, pp. 437-448.

Sridevi Jade and T.G.Sitharam, `Analysis of Strength and moduli of jointed rocks', International Journal of Geotechnical and Geological Engineering , Vol. 18, pp. 1-19, 2000.

Sridevi Jade, T.G.Sitharam and H.M. Chandrashekar, `Simulation of Jointed Rock Mass Behaviour Using Finite Element Method', Journal of Rock Mech. and Tunneling Tech. Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 113-132, October 2000.

Paul, J., Burgmann, R., Gaur, V. K., Bilham, R., Larson, K. M., Ananda, M .B., Sridevi Jade, Mukul, M,Anupama, T. S., Satyal, G., Kumar, D., 2001. The motion and active deformation of India: Geophysical Research Letters, 28 (4), 647-651.

Sridevi Jade, K.S.Yajnik, and P.K.Nanda: ' Numerical Analysis of Multi-Layered Pavement Systems', Highway Research Bulletin, No. 59, Dec, 1998.

Sridevi Jade and T.G.Sitharam: ' Non-Linear Analysis of Jointed Rock using Equivalent continuum Approach', Journal of Rock Mech. and Tunneling Tech.Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 109-126, July 1997.

Sridevi Jade and K.G.Garg:' Finite element analysis of a reinforced earth wall', Indian Geotechnical Journal (IGJ), March 1997.

J.Freymueller, R.Bilham, R.Burgmann, K.M.Larson, J Paul, Sridevi Jade and V.K.Gaur: Global Positioning System Measurements of Indian plate motion and convergence across the Lesser Himalaya', Geophysical Research Letters, Vol.23, N0 22, Pages 3107-3110, November 1, 1996.

Sridevi Jade and S.Sarkar: 'A Technical note on risk assessment of landslides', Journal of Engineering Geology', Vol. XXII, No. 3 Sept 1995.

J Paul, F Blume, Sridevi Jade, V Kumar, P.S.Swathi and 6 authors: 'Microstrain stability of Peninsular India 1864-1994', Proc. Indian Acad. Sci. (Earth Planet. Sci.), Vol. 104, No. 1, March 1995.

Sridevi Jade and Kusum Deep: 'Modeling of slope failure using Global Optimization Techniques,' Journal of Engineering Optimization, Vol. 23 pp25-266, 1994.

Sridevi Jade and Sarkar.S: 1993 'Statistical Models for slope instability Classification', International Journal of Engineering Geology, No 36(1993), 1-98, Elsevier Publications, Amsterdam.

Siva Reddy, A. and Sridevi, B. 1991 Active earth pressures on retaining walls With partially saturated back fills, Journal of Institution of Engineers, Vol. 71, part Cv5, pp. 129-137.

Siva Reddy, A. and Sridevi, B. 1990 Stability analysis of axi symmetric Slopes using method of characteristics, Journal of Institution of Engineers, Vol. 71, Part Cv2, pp. 43-49.


Sridevi Jade and T.G.Sitharam, Finite Element Analysis of Large-Scale Cavern in Jointed Rock Mass using Simple Equivalent Continuum Approach, Application of Rock Engineering in Nation's Development, Editors: S.C.Handa and N.K.Samadhiya, IGC RLC, 328pp, April 2001.

General Articles

Sridevi Jade, 'Contribution of C-MMACS in National Programme on GPS for Earthquake Hazard
Assessment', Brochure, Seismology Division, DST, Govt of India, pp13-14, July 2002.

Sridevi Jade, `City centre gives Assam extra eye to spy on quakes', News article, Indian express,
December 3nd, 2002.

Internal Reports of C-MMACS, NAL -13nos

Papers published in the proceedings of conferences and presented in

Sridevi Jade, S.M. Vijayan and V. K. Gaur `Estimates of Precipitable Water Vapour From GPS Data',
SIVOM conference, October 2003, India

Sridevi Jade, 'GPS derived velocity and deformation in the Indian subcontinent', GPS in Crustal
Deformation studies, Proceedings of Asian GPS Conference 2002, Oct, 2002.

Sridevi, J., Mukul, M., Parvez, I. A. , Ananda, M. B., Kumar P. D.,Gaur, V. K., Bendick, R., Bilham,
R.,Wallace, K., 2001. Preseismic,coseismic and post-seismic displacements related to the Bhuj 2001
Earthquake using Global Positioning System (GPS) Geodesy: Abstracts,Proceedings of International
Conference on Seismic Hazard with particular reference to Bhuj Earthquake of January 26, 2001,
October 3-5, 2001, p. 73-75

Sridevi Jade, T.G.Sitharam and N. Shimizu,`Equivalent continuum analysis of acavern for Shiobara
power station - A case study', Proceedings of JSCE annual conference. Sendai, Japan, 2000.

Sridevi Jade, Bhat, B.C.*, Anand, M.B. and Gaur V.K.: `GPS derived Slip rate along the Karakorum
fault in the Indo-Eurasian Continental Collision Zone', IUGG 99, International union of Geodesy and
Geophysics, 18-24, July, 99, Birmingham, U.K.

Sridevi Jade and T.G.Sitharam , `Finite element modeling of jointed rock mass', Proceedings of the
International conference on rock engineering techniques for site characterization, Dec 6-8, 1999, pp. 375-380.

Sridevi Jade, R.P.Thangavelu, P.S.Swathi and V.Kumar: 'Establishment of C-MMACS GPS station
at IISC', National Conference on Global Positioning System, Feb 1997.

Sridevi Jade and T.G.Sitharam , 'Numerical stress analysis of rockmass as a continuum and discontinuum',
IGC 1996, pp. 601-604.

J.Paul, V.Kumar, Sridevi Jade , P.S.Swathi, V.K.Gaur, R.Bilham, 'Historic and current deformation in
South Indian Peninsula using GPS measurements', GA11A19, 0830h, IUGG, XXI General assembly, 1995.

Sridevi Jade , V.K.Gaur, J.Paul, V.Kumar, R.Burgmann, 'Direct determination of the relative velocities of
the Indian plate', GA11A12, 0830h, IUGG, XXI General assembly, 1995.

Burgmann, R., Freymueller J, Larson KM, Paul J, Jackson M, Bilham R, Gaur VK, Jade S , Kumar V,
Reigber C. 'Convergence between India and Himalaya, 1991-1994'.'Eos Trans. Am. Geophys.(abstr.)

Gaur, V.K., J Paul, S Jade , V.Kumar, P S Swathi and 6 authors,. '130 years of seismogeodetic deformation
in southern India ', Eos Trans. Am. Geophys.(abstr.) 1994.

Sridevi, B. and Agrawal, S.K. 1991 2-D Finite Element Model for planar failure along a joint, igc '91,
Geotechnical Analysis and Practices and Performances, 273-275.

Sridevi Jade and Kusum Deep: 'Stability Assessment of Slopes' presented in First IISc National Seminar
on Geotechical Engineering , 26-27 July 1993, pp 100-102.

Sridevi, B. and Kusum Deep., 1992 Application of Global optimization technique to slope stability analysis,
International symposium on landslides, Newzealand .

Ravi, V. and Sridevi, B. 1991 Reliability model for rock slope with two conjugate sets of joints, First
Romanian Symposium on landslides.

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