Year 1994-1995

Chapter1 Modelling for Resources
Chapter2 Modelling for Climate Variability
Chapter3 Modelling for Hazard Quantification
Chapter4 Modelling for Design
Chapter5 Other Modelling Areas
Chapter6 Computing Environment at C-MMACS
Chapter7 Publications and Presentations
Chapter8 Other Scientific Activities of the Centre
Projects at C-MMACS
Staff News

Front Cover:   Seasonal Variation of sea surface temperature (SST) in the Indian Ocean obtained in simulation of the global ocean. Photographs, clockwise from topleft, indicate SST in Januray, April, July and October. SST influences evapouration, Cloud formation and consequently rain fall. Its gradient indicates potential fishing zones. Simulation: Dr. P.S. Swathi. Photo: Mr. D. Freddy

Back Cover:   Structure of 18-CROWN-6, a cyclic peptide used to test a new technique of molecular modelling. Simulation: Dr. Jagannath, IICT. Photo: Mr. D. Freddy