CSIR Centre for Mathematical Modelling And Computer Simulation



Chapter1 Climate and Environmental Modelling
Chapter2 Modelling of Geological Hazards and Resources
Chapter3 Industrial Computational Mechanics
Chapter4 Other Modelling Areas
Chapter5 Computing Environment
Chapter6 Knowledge Products: Publications, Presentations..
Chapter7 Academic Programmes
Chapter8 R & D Projects and Collaborative Programme
Chapter9 Team C-MMACS: News and Updates
Chapter10 Highlights

Front Cover:   Simulation of the Super cyclone of October 1999 that hit Orissa using a general circulation model. The Frames show the evolution and movement of the cyclone starting from an initial condition (on 25th October) with no significant cyclone circulation over the area. The results are part of the effort under the New Millenium Indian Technology Leadership Initiative (NMITLI) project on Monsoon Related Meso-scale Forecasting, a collaborative project involving a number of institutions.

Back Cover:   Distribution of earthquakes magnitude over the Indian region for the period 765-2001.