CSIR Centre for Mathematical Modelling And Computer Simulation
Chapter 1 C-MMACS Environmental Modelling Programme (CEMP)
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Chapter 2 Solid Earth Modelling Programme (SEMP)
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Chapter 3 Computational Industrial Mechanics Programe (CIMP)
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Chapter 4 CSIR Network Projects on Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation
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Chapter 5 High Performance Computing and Networking (HPCN)
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Chapter 6 Knowledge Products: Publications, Presentations..
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Chapter 7 C-MMACS Academic Programmes
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Chapter 8 Collaborative Programmes and Projects
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Chapter 9 Team C-MMACS: News and Updates
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Chapter 10 Highlights: 2004-05
(PDF, 181 KB)
Subject Index
Author Index
Front Cover:
C-MMACS combines under one roof, a spectrum of activities involving mathematical modelling and
high-performance computing. Clock-wise from
top right corner: monsoon forecasting,
atmospheric meso-scale simulation, engineering modelling, ocean simulation, solid earth modelling.
Back Cover: A post-forecast evaluation of C-MMACS taluk level, experimental
long-range forecasts of monsoon rainfall, 2004 for the state of Karnataka. The number in each district indicates
a measure of success of the forecast (0-100) for monthly rainfall anomaly. The performance is excellent over the
eastern part, while it is very poor over the western districts characterized by strong land-ocean contrast, sharp
orography and dense vegetation (comparison: courtesy Karnataka State Natural
Disaster Monitoring Centre, Govt. of Karnataka).