Students are highly encouraged to interact with CSIR-4PI Scientists and identify a guide/co-guide and thesis topic before they formally submit the application to SPARK
Application Form

Personal Details

  Applicant Name *                                         
  Date of Birth * (mm/dd/yyyy)     Age:    
  Gender * Male Female
  Nationality *
  Postal Address * (Please give the full Postal Address)
   City: *              State : *                    
   Pincode: *        Email-ID: *             
  Phone No: * 
  Mobile no: *            

Current Course Details

  Name of the Course * (Others please specify)
  Specialization *
  Institute Category *
  Name of Institute *
  Department *
  Postal Address of the Institute *
  Course Duration *
  CGPA/Mark % *     Aggregate *  

Previous Academic Details

  Percentage Mark in SSLC/10th Class *
  Percentage Mark in PUC/12th Class *
  Highest Degree *
  Institute Category       
  Name of the Institute
  Postal Address of the Institute
  CGPA/Mark %

Project / Thesis Information(To be carried out)

Note : Select "Project/Thesis" for Final Semester Project Which needs a signed Project/Thesis report.
          Maximum duration of Internship is 3 Months.
Scheme : *

  From *     To *   Duration in Number * (Months)
Area of Interest : * (Others pls. specify)

  Details of guide from your University/Institute
Name *                            Designation *                    
Department *                 Email-ID: *                     
Phone/Mobile no: * 
(e.g:080250XXXXX / 090357XXXXX)
  Name of the guide from CSIR 4PI (if identified) 

Any other Relevant Information:

* Please check your entries carefully before you submit. Once submitted, corrections are not permitted

* Multiple submission by the same student or making bogus entries would result in disqualifying the student

I hereby declare that the information given above are correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am aware that if any part of the data/information submitted is found to be false or misleading, the candidature can be rejected at any stage.

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