- Apr. 2019 - Apr. 2022: Co-PI of Project on "Assessment of regional hydrology using space borne gravity observations. Robust estimation of deformation due to hydrological loading in NE-India and Upper Ganga river basin", DST, India, GAP-1016.
- Sep. 2018 - Aug. 2021: PI of National Monsoon Mission Project on "Improving the prediction of the extremes of the interannual variation of the Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall (ISMR) by CFSv2", MoES, India, GAP-1013.
- Jul. 2015 - Jun. 2017: PI of CSIR 12th Five year plan project on "Vulnerability assessment and development of adaptation strategies for climate change impact with special reference to coasts and island ecosystems of India (VACCIN)", ISC-03-02.
- Jun. 2012 - May. 2015: PI of Climate Change Project funded by Department of Environment and Climate Change, Government of Kerala on ``Future climate change projection for Kerala using high resolution climate model", R-1-166.
- Jul. 2012 - Jun. 2015: PI of collaborative project on "Climate Change and Variability: Modeling, Analysis and Downscaling in the context of Indian Monsoon" with Meteorological Research Institute, Japan and Divecha Climate Change Center, Indian Institute of Science, R-8-118.
- Sep. 2010 - Aug. 2012: Co-PI of CSIR Empower Scheme Project on "Impact of regional aerosol radiative forcing on Indian monsoon", R-8-113.
- March 2007 - 2013: PI of Megha-Tropiques Mission Project funded by ISRO, on "Impact of physical assimilation of vertical profiles of latent heating and moisture on short-range weather forecasting", R-0-149.
- July 2007 - March 2012: Co-PI of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) TRMM Research Project on "Feasibility study to construct a high impact weather event warning system" with Meteorological Research Institute, Japan.
- July 2007 - March 2012: Co-PI of MRI collaborative project on "Super high resolution modeling of tropical climate under future scenarios" with Meteorological Research Institute, Japan.
- May 2003 - 2013: Participant and co-PI of World Climate Research Programme (WCRP/WGNE of WMO) "Aqua-planet experiment project (APE)". https://www.met.reading.ac.uk/~mike/APE/
- July 2007 - March 2010: Co-PI of Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) TRMM Research Project on "Towards Further Understanding of MJO from TRMM data and JMA Forecast Data" with Meteorological Research Institute, Japan.