- "The Role of Diabatic Heating in Influencing Seasonal Extremes in the Indian Summer Monsoon for the CFSv2 Model", Priyanshi Singhai, Arindam Chakraborty, Kavirajan Rajendran and Sajani Surendran, 103rd AMS Annual Meeting, 5A.3, Denver, USA, 10 January 2023. [Abstract]
- "Why do all ENSO Events not lead to Seasonal Extremes in the Indian Summer Monsoon?", Priyanshi Singhai, Arindam Chakraborty, Kavirajan Rajendran and Sajani Surendran, AGU Fall Meeting, A25E-07, Chicago, 14 Dec 2022. [Abstract]
- "Are winds and moisture necessary to cause Indian summer monsoon extremes?", Priyanshi Singhai, Arindam Chakraborty, Kavirajan Rajendran and Sajani Surendran, EGU General Assembly 2022, EGU22-5658, Session AS1.18 (Atmospheric Sciences: Monsoon systems in a changing climate: past, present and future), Vienna, Austria, 23-27 May 2022 https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-5658. [Abstract]
- "Possible indirect effect of dust aerosols during monsoon breaks over India", V. B. Arya, Sajani Surendran and K. Rajendran, 4th International Conference on Atmospheric Dust-DUST 2021, Torre Cintola Conference Centre-Monopoli, Italy, Vol. 11, p. 64, 7 October 2021. [Abstract]
- "Dependence of Indian summer monsoon rainfall forecast skill of CFSv2 on initial conditions and the role of bias in SST boundary forcing", Stella Jes Varghese, K. Rajendran, Sajani Surendran and A. Chakraborty, EGU General Assembly 2021, EGU21-7046, 30 April 2021 https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-7046. [Abstract]
- "Global Teleconnections to the Indian Summer Monsoon in CFSv2 model: Tropics vs. Midlatitude", Priyanshi Singhai, A. Chakraborty, K. Rajendran and Sajani Surendran, EGU General Assembly 2021, EGU21-4880, 30 April 2021 https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-4880. [Abstract]
- "Association of Indian Summer Monsoon Variability with Mid-latitude Teleconnection in CFSv2", Priyanshi Singhai, A. Chakraborty, Sajani Surendran and K. Rajendran, AGU Fall Meeting, A226-0007,16 December 2020. [Abstract]
- "Multiforcing ensemble projection based climate change information over Kerala for adaptation strategies", K. Rajendran, Sajani Surendran and Stella Jes Varghese, International Conference on Impact of Climate Change on Hydrological Cycle, Ecosystem, Fisheries and Food Security (CLIMFISH CON 2020), KUFOS, Cochin, India, 11-14 Feb 2020.
- "Rice yield changes in Kerala due to climate change", Stella Jes Varghese, Sajani Surendran, B. Ajithkumar, K. Rajendran and A. Kitoh, International Conference on Impact of Climate Change on Hydrological Cycle, Ecosystem, Fisheries and Food Security (CLIMFISH CON 2020), KUFOS, Cochin, India, 11-14 Feb 2020.
- "Factors behind projected changes in Indian Summer Monsoon under multiple RCP scenarios", Stella Jes Varghese, Sajani Surendran, K. Rajendran and A. Kitoh, International Conference on Frontiers in Marine Science: Challenges and Prospects (MARICON 2019). School of Marine Sciences, CUSAT, Kerala, India, 16-20 Dec 2019. Secured best paper/presentation award.
- "High-resolution Climate Change Projection of Indian Summer Monsoon: A Dynamical Downscaling Approach", C. B. Jayasankar, K. Rajendran and Sajani Surendran, Scenarios Forum 2019 (Forum on Scenarios for Climate and Societal Futures), Denver, Colorado-USA, 11-13 March 2019.
- "Climate Change and Extreme Events", K. Rajendran and Sajani Surendran, National workshop on "Technology Development and Application for Climate Change", NIO-RC, Kochi, 17 March 2016.
- "CMIP5 Based Climate Projections and Uncertainties over South Asia", K. Rajendran, Sajani Surendra and C. B. Jayasankar, Seventh National Workshop on "Science of Climate Change and Sustainable Development", NCESS, Thiruvanathapuram, 19-20 August 2015.
- "Future Climate Narratives for Southern India", K. Rajendran and Sajani Surendran, Expert Elicitation Workshop. London School of Economics and Political Sciences, London, 10 July 2015.
- "Role of seasonal cycle and interannual variability in future projection of Indian summer monsoon rainfall", K. Rajendran, Sajani Surendran, A. Kitoh and C. B. Jayasankar, LORRI Workshop on Air Pollution and Climate Change in South Asia: Bridging the Science, Imperial College, London, 9 July 2015.
- "CMIP5 Projections of Changes in Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall", K. Rajendran, Sajani Surendran and C. B. Jayasankar, National Climate Science Conference, DCCC, IISc, Bangalore, 2-3 July 2015.
- "Relevance of climate change projection for India", K. Rajendran, Sajani Surendran and A. Kitoh, Proc. of Kerala Environment Congress 2014 on "Water and energy security: Issues, challenges and potentials", Centre for Environment and Development (Thiruvananthapuram), Kochi, 22-23 August 2014, 98-107pp.
- "Projected changes in Indian summer monsoon and seasonal cycle", C. B. Jayasankar, K. Rajendran and Sajani Surendran, First Climate Science and Policy Workshop, IIT Bombay, 6-7 March 2014.
- "Statistical downscaling of Indian summer monsoon rainfall under future climate change", Shashikanth Kulkarni, K. Salvi, S. Ghosh and K. Rajendran, International Conference Hydro-2013, IIT Madras, 4-6 December 2013.
- "Simulation and projection of Indian summer monsoon", C. B. Jayasankar, K. Rajendran and Sajani Surendran, Silver Jubilee International Conference on Computational and Data Intensive Science, CSIR- 4PI (erstwhile C-MMACS), Bangalore, 26-28 August 2013.
- "Characteristics of rainfall and cloud over the tropics", T. Inoue and K. Rajendran, Geophysical Research Abstracts, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2013, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2013, B828, EGU2013-9664, 2013.
- "Monsoon rainfall and the role of Indian and Pacific Oceans in CMIP5 simulations", K. Rajendran, Sajani Surendran, R. S. Nanjundiah and A. Kitoh, International workshop on CMIP5 model intercomparisons for future projections of precipitation and climate in Asia, Tsukuba, 26-27 March 2013.
- "Projected changes in Indian summer monsoon by CMIP5 simulations", C. B. Jayasankar, K. Rajendran, and Sajani Surendran, International workshop on CMIP5 model intercomparisons for future projections of precipitation and climate in Asia, Tsukuba, 26-27 March 2013.
- "Fine scale projections of Indian monsoonal rainfall using statistical models", Shashikanth Kulkarni, Subimal Ghosh and K. Rajendran, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 3-7 December 2012. [Abstract]
- "Semi-diurnal variation of surface rainfall studied from global cloud resolving model and satellite observations", T. Inoue, K. Rajendran, M. Satoh, H. Miura and J, Schmetz, Proc. SPIE 8529, Remote Sensing and Modeling of the Atmosphere, Oceans, and Interactions IV, 85290K, 8 November 2012; doi:10.1117/12.977609.
- "Vertical profiles of latent heating in TRMM data", Ipsita Putatunda and K. Rajendran, Pan Ocean Remote Sensing Conference-2012, Kochi, Kerala, 5-9 November 2012.
- "How good are the simulations of SST-rainfall relationship in atmospheric and coupled models?", K. Rajendran, Workshop on monsoon variability, Bangalore, India, 17-19 August 2011.
- "Diurnal variation appears in cloud-system resolving model and satellite observations", Toshiro Inoue, K. Rajendran, J. Schmetz, M. Satoh and H. Miura, 17th AMS Conference on Satellite Meteorology and Oceanography, Annapolis, Maryland, USA, 26-30 September 2010.
- "On the vertical structure of latent heating derived fro TRMM PR and TMI Datasets", K. Rajendran, J. Srinivasan and S. Shige, Megha-Tropiques International Conference, Indian Space Research Organization, Bangalore, 23-25 March 2009.
- "High resolution modeling of Indian summer monsoon and its variability", K. Rajendran, IIT-Delhi, Indo-Chinese workshop on monsoon Asia modelling platform, IIT-Delhi, 19-20 March 2009.
- "Microwave emissivity over the Indian desert region", C. Suresh Raju, Korak Saha, K. Rajendran and K. Krishna Moorthy, International Conference on MEGHA-TROPIQUES science and applications, Space Application Centre, Ahemedabad, India, 21-23 Januray 2009.
- "Regional aerosol direct radiative impact on Indian summer monsoon precipitation", Sajani Surendran, R. S. Nanjundiah, K. Krishna Moorthy and K. Rajendran, Proc. of Young Scientists of Asia Conclave, TWAS Regional Office for Central and South Asia, JNCASR, bangalore, India, 15-17 January 2009.
- "Modeling of Tropical Climate using a Super High Resolution Global Atmospheric Model", K. Rajendran, CAOS, IISC, Bangalore, on 28 August 2008.
- "Resolution dependence of climate change projection of Indian Summer Monsoon", A. Kitoh and K. Rajendran, AS08-Climate variability, predictability and future change over the Indo-Pacific Ocean and Asian monsoon regions, AOGS-2008, Busan, Korea, 16-20 June 2008.
- "10-year climatology of tropical rainfall characteristics from TRMM Data", T. Nakazawa and K. Rajendran, 28th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, Orlando, Florida, USA, 28 Apr 2007-2 May 2008.
- "Interannual Variation or Effect of the Boost in TRMM 3A25 Data?", T. Nakazawa and K. Rajendran, The 3rd NASA/JAXA International TRMM Science Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, 4-8 February 2008.
- "Typhoon Landfall Mode in ERA-40 and JRA-25 Reanalysis Datasets", T. Nakazawa and K. Rajendran, 3rd WCRP International Conference on Reanalysis, University of Tokyo, Japan, 28 January-1 February 2008.
- "Projected changes in heavy rainfall occurrence during Indian summer monsoon season in a 20-km GCM", K. Rajendran, A. Kitoh and R. Mizuta, ISAM6 and EAC9, Fukuoka, Japan, 10-13 December 2007.
- "The effect of SST variation on equatorial ITCZ in Aquaplanet General Circulation Models", K. Rajendran, A. Kitoh and J. Srinivasan, The Second APE Workshop, Choshi, Japan, 13-15 November 2007.
- "TISV in MRI-20km60L AGCM", P. Liu, Y. Kajikawa, B. Wang, A. Kitoh, T. Yasunari, T. Li, H. Annamalai, X. Fu, K. Kikuchi, R. Mizuta, K. Rajendran, D. E., Waliser and D. Kim, MJO Workshop, New Approaches to Meet the Challenge of Madden-Julian Oscillation. 5-7 November 2007, Beckman Centre of the National Academies, Irvine, CA.
- "Convectively coupled equatorial waves in a very high resolution TL959L60 atmospheric GCM", K. Rajendran, A. Kitoh and Sajani Surendran, Celebrating the Mosnoon Conference, IISc, Bangalore, India, 24-28 July 2007.
- "The impact of physical assimilation of vertical profiles of latent heating and moistening on short range numerical weather prediction", K. Rajendran and J. Srinivasan, National workshop on Megha-Tropiques science and applications, SAC Ahmedabad, India, 20-22 March 2007.
- "Large-scale impact on monsoon variability in current CGCMs", K. Rajendran, National workshop on dynamical long-range forecasting of Indian monsoon: Status, user needs and grand challenges, C-MMACS, Bangalore, India, 12-13 February 2007.
- "Assimilation of heating and moisture profiles in an emperical cumulus parameterization scheme for a global spectral GCM", K. Rajendran, Megha-Tropiques First National workshop, IISc, Bangalore, India, 10-14 July 2006.
- "Role of Large-scale Circulation on Tropical Cyclone Landfall in Japan", T. Nakazawa and K. Rajendran, 27th conference on Hurricane and Tropical Meteorology, AMS, Monterey, CA, USA, 23-28 April 2006.
- "TRMM PR/TMI Rainfall over Ocean in 3G68 Datasets", T. Nakazawa and K. Rajendran, Progress in Hazardous Storm Research using Evolving Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM)&Global Water, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2006, Vienna, Austria, 2-7 April 2006.
- "Forced simulation of 2002 extreme drought monsoon over India", Sajani Surendran, K. Rajendran and K. Krishna Moorthy, Extended abstract for National workshop on dynamics and simulation of extreme rainfall: Case studies of recent events, C-MMACS, Bangalore, India, 16-17 March 2006.
- "Indian summer monsoon precipitation in MRI ensemble simulation", Sajani Surendran, T. Nakazawa, A. Kitoh and K. Rajendran, International conference on mesoscale processes in atmospheric, ocean and environmental systems, IMPA 2006, IIT Delhi, India, 14-17 February 2006.
- "Systematic differences of rainfall estimates in TRMM 3G68", T. Nakazawa and K. Rajendran, 14th Conf. on Satellite Meteorol. and Oceanography, AMS, Atlanta, GA, USA, 28 January-2 February 2006.
- "Characteristics of systematic difference in TRMM 3G68 PR and TMI rainfall estimates", K. Rajendran and T. Nakazawa, The International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences, IAMAS 2005, Beijing, China, August 2-11, 2005.
- "Asian-Australian Monsoons simulated by the Global 20-km mesh MRI/JMA AGCM", A. Kitoh, O. Arakawa and K. Rajendran, 5th International scientific conference on the global energy and water cycle, Orange County, California, 20-24 June 2005.
- "Possible source of difference between PR and TMI rainfall estimates from TRMM 3G68 V5 dataset", K. Rajendran and T. Nakazawa, Spring meeting of the Meteorological Society of Japan, Tokyo, 15-18 May 2005.
- "TRMM PR/TMI 6-yr rainfall difference over land in 3G68 dataset", T. Nakazawa and K. Rajendran and Sajani Surendran, 13th Conf. on Satellite Meteorol. and Oceanography, AMS, Norfolk, VA, USA, 19-23 September 2004.
- "Asian monsoon rainfall characteristics over land by TRMM satellite and surface station data", T. Nakazawa and K. Rajendran, 2nd TRMM Int. Sci. Conf., Nara, Japan, 5-10 September 2004.
- "Asian Monsoon Rainfall Variability from TRMM Satellite", T. Nakazawa and K. Rajendran, Asia Oceania Geosciences Society (AOGS), Ist Annual Meeting, Singapore, 5-9 July 2004.
- "Tropical Pacific SST Anomalies and Indian Monsoon: A CGCM Study", K. Rajendran and A. Kitoh, IPRC-IAMS: International Asian Monsoon Symposium, Honolulu, USA, 18-20 February 2004.
- "Asian summer monsoon in MRI CGCM", K. Rajendran, A. Kitoh and S. Yukimoto, Int. Conf. on Scale Interaction and Variability of Monsoon, Munnar, Cochin, India, 6-10 October 2003.
- "The structure and propagation characteristics of the MJO in MRI coupled GCM: Comparison with observation and atmosphere-alone GCM", K. Rajendran and A. Kitoh, XXIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), Sapporo, Japan, 30 June-11 July 2003.
- "Impact of Global Warming on the Onset of Regional Monsoons over Asia", K. Rajendran and A. Kitoh, Spring Meeting of the Meteorological Society of Japan (MSJ), Tsukuba, Japan, 21-24 May 2003.
- "An empirical cumulus parameterization scheme based on the TRMM heating profile", K. Rajendran and T. N. Krishnamurti, Second TRMM Latent Heating Workshop, NCAR's Foothills Laboratory 2 (FL2), Boulder, Colorado, USA, 10-11 October 2001.
- "Multimodel superensemble for weather and seasonal climate forecasts", T. N. Krishnamurti, T. S. V. Kumar, A. Chakraborty, K. Rajendran and W. Yun, Proc. of Mesoscale Meteorology and Typhoon in East Asia, Taipei, Taiwan, 1-8pp, 26-29 September 2001.
- "Impact of Surface Hydrology on Monsoon Simulation", K. Rajendran, Ravi S Nanjundiah and J. Srinivasan, Proc. VIIth Asian Conference of Fluid Mechanics, Madras, India, 75-78pp, 8-12 December 1997.
- "Impact of Orography on the Simulation of Asian Summer Monsoon Rainfall in NCAR (CCM2) GCM", Ravi S. Nanjundiah, K. Rajendran and J. Srinivasan, Workshop on Monsoon Studies (IWM-I), Bali, Indonesia, 24-28 February 1997.
- "Intraseasonal variations of the Asian monsoon: CCM2 simulations", G. Asha, K. Rajendran and Ravi S. Nanjundiah, Tropmet-97, Bangalore, India, 10-14 Feb 1997.
- "Source of Seasonality and Scale Dependence of Predictability in a Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Model", B. N. Goswami, K. Rajendran and D. Sengupta, Tropmet-97, Bangalore, India, 10-14 Feb 1997.
"On the seasonal dependence of predictability of ENSO", B. N. Goswami, K. Rajendran and D. Sengupta,
Proc. of the Int. Scientific Conference on the Tropical Global Atmosphere
(TOGA) Programme, Melbourne, Australia, WCRP-91, WMO/TD No. 17, II, 710-714pp, 2-7 April 1995.
- Charles Warner, Brian P. Mackey, C. E. Williford, K. Rajendran, and T. N. Krishnamurti, 2001: Superensemble forecasting of Texas and Arizona flood rainfall with radar data. Florida State University Research Report, Florida, USA.
- K. Rajendran, and D. R. Sikka, 2007: National Discssion Meeting on "Dynamical Long-Range Forecasting of Indian Monsoon: Status, User Needs, and Grand Challenges" during 12-13 February 2007.