Invited Talks
"Climate Change and Flood Risk Assessment", Keynote Speaker, Internatioanl Workshop on Flood Risk and Climate Change (IWFRC) 2024 - The Indian Chapter (IWFRC-2024), IC&SR, Indian Institute of Technology - Madras (jointly with University of Leeds, UK), 9-10 December 2024.
"Climate Change Scenario in the Western Ghats: Past, Present and Future", Presentation to committe on Notification of Western Ghats Eco-Sensitive Area by Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 24 September 2022.
"State of the art Climate Models and the reliability of Climate Change Projections", Course Lecture, One month Certification Course on
"Basics of Remote Sensing Application in Climate Change Modeling" 18 August - 9 September 2022, Amity Institute of Environmental Sciences, Amity University in collaboration with India Meteorological Department (IMD),
01 September 2022.
"Reliable climate change projections for India", National Science Day lecture,
Jyoti Nivas College Autonomous, Bengaluru, 28 February 2022.
"Progress in the simulation of Indian summer monsoon, variability and teleconnections over different generations of IPCC climate models", Lead talk in Intromet-2021 on Changing Climate: Consequences and Challenges (C4-41), 24 November 2021.
"High resolution climate model projections over India and adaptation strategies for
rice yield changes", Panelist talk in Vaibhav Summit session on Climate Change:
Moving towards a climate resilient environment and society- Advent of novel techniques
and tools (V11H5S2) on 16 October 2020.
Resource person for National Mission on Strategic Knowledge for Climate Change (NMSKCC) of Department of Science &
Technology, Brainstorming Workshop on "Climate Modeling: National Status",
Centre of Atmospheric Science, IIT Delhi, 20 July 2016.
"Monsoon teleconnections in climate models with high reliability in response to external forcing"
2nd Workshop on Local and Remote influences on Rainfall over India (LORRI), DCCC & CAOS, IISc, Bangalore, 18-19
July 2016.
"Developing narratives of future climate for southern India"-
Expert Elicitation Workshop,
The London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE, London, UK, 10 July 2015.
"Role of Seasonal Cycle and Interannual Variability in Future Projections of Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall",
Workshop on "Air Pollution and climate change in South Asia: Bridging the science",
Imperial College, London, UK, 9 July 2015.
"CMIP5 projections of changes in Indian summer monsoon rainfall",
National Climate Science Conference,
Divecha Center for Climate Change, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, 2-3 July 2015.
"Multi-model future projections of Indian summer monsoon rainfall",
Climate Modelling Workshop,
IIT Bombay, 20 March 2015.
"Regional climate change projections over India: Problems and prospects",
Meteorological Research Institute, Japan Meteorological Agency, Tsukuba, Japan, 8 January 2015.
"High resolution climate change projections of the Indian summer monsoon and extreme events",
Sixth National Workshop on "Science of climate change: Indian Ocean and Monsoon",
INCOIS, Hyderabad, 1-2 September 2014.
"Relevance of climate change projection for India",
Kerala Environment Congress 2014 on "Water and energy security: Issues, challenges and potentials", Centre for Environment and Development (Thiruvananthapuram), Kochi, 22-23 August 2014.
"Influence of climate change on Western Maharashtra",
Workshop on "Climate Change: Is it really happening?", Gopal Krishna Gokhale College, Kolhapur, 22 December 2012.
"Simulated Future Changes in Indian Monsoon",
3rd National Research Conference on "Climate Change", IISc, Bangalore, 3-4 November 2012.
"Modelling of monsoon: Progress and challenges",
Discussion meeting on "Intel proposal for ICRI on Weather & Climate Modelling", IISc, Bangalore, 29-30 October 2012.
"Monsoon circulation interaction with western ghats in a warming climate",
Fourth National Workshop on "Climate Change: Indian Ocean and monsoon", NIOT Chennai, 6-7 September 2012.
"Modeling of climate and climate change projections: A data intensive paradigm",
National Training Program on "Climate Change and Geospatial Technology", CSIR NISCAIR, New Delhi, 16 March 2012.
- "On the role of atmospheric dynamics on Indian Monsoon", Meteorological Research Institute, Tsukuba, Japan,
30 January 2012.
"High resolution climate modeling: Projected changes in climate patterns over Kerala",
2nd working group meeting, Environment Management Agency,
30 September 2011, Trivandrum, Kerala.
- "How good are the simulations of SST-rainfall relationship in atmospheric and coupled models?",
International workshop on "Monsoon Variability", 17-19 August 2011, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore.
- "Monsoon under warming scenario: High resolution projection by a global climate
National Seminar on Climate Change, Goa Science Centre, NIO & Dhempe College ofarts and Science, 21 July, 2011, Goa.
"Ultra high resolution climate modelling: Projected changes in climate patterns over Kerala",
National Workshop on `Natural resource management and human development paradigms in
climate change perspective-adaptive strategy options for Kerala', Environment Department
and Kerala State Planning Board, December 15, 2010, Trivandrum, Kerala.
"High resolution modeling of Indian summer monsoon and its variability",
Indo-Chineese Workshop on Monsoon Asia Modelling Platform, Indian Institute
of Technology, Delhi, India, 19 March 2009.
"Modeling of Tropical Climate using a Super High Resolution
Global Atmospheric Model", at CAOS, Indian Institute of Science,
Bangalore, India, 28 August 2008.
"The role of SST variation on ITCZ, seasonal forecasting of Indian summer
monsoon and its future projection", at Meteorological
Research Institute (MRI/JMA), Tsukuba, Japan, 27 November 2007.
"Monsoon-2007: Intraseasonal variation", Indian Meteorological
Society-Bangalore Chapter post monsoon review - 2007, at East
Cultural Association, Bangalore, India, 23 October 2007.
"Systematic Differences in TRMM PR and TMI Rainfall Estimates and its
association with Life Stages of Convection",
at Typhoon Research Department, Meteorological
Research Institute (MRI/JMA), Tsukuba, Japan, 27 September 2005.
"On the association between convection life stages and TRMM PR and TMI
rain estimates", at Center for Climate System Research, Tokyo, Japan,
13 July 2005.
"On Modeling the Monsoon and its Variability",
at University of Tsukuba, Tsukuba, Japan, 4 July 2005.
"On the association between convection life stages and TRMM PR and TMI
rainfall differences", at Typhoon Research Department, Meteorological
Research Institute (MRI/JMA), Tsukuba, Japan, 12 May 2005.
"Simulation of Asian Summer monsoon and its variability in a coupled GCM". at
CAS, Indian Institute of Technology-Delhi, 18 October 2004.