Mon, Mar 10, 2025
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CSIR Fourth Paradigm Institute

(Formerly CSIR Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation)

A constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR).

Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.


Shri. Jitendra J Jadhav 

The Head (Additional Charge)

CSIR Fourth Paradigm Institute (CSIR-4PI), NAL Belur Campus, Bangalore-560037, India

Phone: (+91)80-25224667,  25051920  and   Fax:  (+91)80-25220392 


Shri Jitendra J Jadhav, born on 19 December 1965, is currently the The Head, CSIR-4PI (additional charge) and Director of CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories (CSIR-NAL), Bangalore.  Shri Jadhav has obtained his BE (Electronics) from University of Pune in 1987 and MS from Computer Engineering Department of Defence Institute of Advanced Technology (DIAT), Pune.

He has more than 29 years of experience in Design and Development of Military Systems for Army, Navy, Air Force, Industrial and Railways applications.  He has designed, developed and commercialized major systems like Fire Control Systems for Tanks, Airborne Digital Optronic Pedestal for Nishant, Optical Fire Control Systems for Navy, Mission and Display Computer for LCA, Weapon Control System for LCA, Tactical Mission System for Helicopter and Digital Servo systems for automobiles / Railways.

Prior to taking over charge of Director, CSIR-NAL on 27 June 2016, Shri Jadhav had worked as Outstanding Scientist, Project Director, LCA (AF Mk1) & Group Director (Weapon & Missile System) at the Aeronautical Development Agency (ADA), Bangalore.  As a Project Director-LCA, he was instrumental in steering the Initial Operational Clearance of LCA and induction into services. Under his leadership LCA has obtained many major milestones  few of them are demonstration of Live swing role capability of LCA in Iron Fist 2013. Initial Operational Clearance, Weapon integration of Air to Air (A/A) and Air to Ground (A/G) Weapons,Induction of Aircraft into Service and Participation in Behrain International Air Show.  Prior to his appointment as a Project Director (LCA-MK1-AF) he was Group Director, Weapon & Mission Computer Division.  Under his technical expertise & guidance an indigenous Digital Weapons Management System & Mission Display Computer was developed for LCA which has saved substantial foreign exchange to the Country.  He was instrumental for weaponisation of LCA for integration of closed combat Missiles, Beyond Visual Range (BVR) Missile, Laser Guided Bombs and conventional / smart weapons.

He has won Design Award of ADA in the year 2000, DRDO Scientist of the year award in the year 2008, DRDO Performance Excellence Award for Initial operational clearance of Tejas in the year 2013 and Agni Award for Excellence in Self Reliance in the year 2014.He has published more than 20 papers in National and international journals of repute.

During his short tenure at NAL, NAL has received Technology Innovation Award 2016 and Technofest Award 2016.