Sun, Sep 01, 2024
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CSIR Fourth Paradigm Institute

(Formerly CSIR Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation)

A constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR).

Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.

To support the fight against COVID-19, COVID CARE Network - a collaborative effort of CSIR and AMD - is planning to make available multi-dimensional, multi-source primary/secondary data and compute system capabilities to Indian researchers. The system, built by AMD to deliver more than one PetaFlops of compute power and dedicated for Covid research, will be remotely accessible over a high-speed national knowledge network from CSIR Fourth Paradigm Institute (CSIR-4PI), Bengaluru. This is established as a part of AMD’s COVID-19 HPC Global fund of $20 million donations across 23 institutions in 7 countries of which about 10% has been donated to CSIR-4PI to understand the various aspects of infectious diseases and develop effective global responses.

We solicit your participation to make this endeavor a success in any of the areas identified above. We appreciate if you can bring together motivated researchers and students to make proposals and involve in this effort. Interested Students are invited to register into the program. They will be assigned to appropriate Mentors/Collaborators. Click here for details available at COVID CARE Network website.


To synergize the Transdisciplinary Pan-CSIR expertise and build a unified platform that embodies a rich set of big data enabling technologies and services with optimized performance to facilitate data intensive scientific discovery in the country.


To Pioneer data driven interdisciplinary research in diverse fields through state-of-the-art data science ecosystem and impactful industrial partnerships for the betterment of Society.


To develop cutting edge data science products as a horizontal across the CSIR Themes and position as an Institute of Excellence in Bigdata and Artificial Intelligence.

Student Programme for Advancement in Research Knowledge (SPARK)

SPARK is intended to provide a unique opportunity to bright and motivated students of reputed Universities to carry out their major project/thesis work and advance their research knowledge in mathematical modelling and simulation of complex systems. The programme is intended to increase the interaction between scientists and faculty members of academic institutes along with their students towards a long term research collaboration. Click here to apply for SPARK.

A FAQ on SPARK is available here.