Fri, Mar 14, 2025

CSIR Fourth Paradigm Institute

(Formerly CSIR Centre for Mathematical Modelling and Computer Simulation)

A constituent laboratory of Council of Scientific & Industrial Research (CSIR).

Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of India.

Chief Scientist
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Miscellaneous Information:

K Rajendran


Research Interests

  • Ultra-high resolution modelling of climate, climate change and impacts

  • Simulation and prediction of monsoon & variability

  • Multiscale modelling of weather and climate

  • Tropical climate studies using satellite observations

  • Numerical weather prediction & physical initialization

Educational Qualifications





B. Sc.


University of Kerala


M. Sc.


Cochin University of Science & Technology (CUSAT), Kerala

Meteorology (1st Rank)

M. Sc. (Engg.)


Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore

Atmospheric Science

(Mech. Engg. Div.)

Ph. D.


Indian Institute of Science (IISc), Bangalore

Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences

(Mech. Engg. Div.)

Employment Experience





March 2006




Apr 2004

Mar 2006

Meteorological Research Instt. (MRI)/

Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan

Research Scientist

Apr 2002

Mar 2004

Meteorological Research Instt. (MRI)/

Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan

JSPS Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Mar 2000

Feb 2002

Florida State University (FSU), Florida, USA

Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Nov 2007

Feb 2008

AESTO, Meteorological Research Instt. (MRI)/Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan

Visiting Scientist

Jan 2012

Feb 2012

JAMSTEC, Meteorological Research Instt. (MRI)/Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan

Visiting Scientist

Feb 2013

Mar 2013

Meteorological Research Instt. (MRI)/Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan

Visiting Scientist

Jan 2015

Feb 2015

University of Tsukuba/ Meteorological Research Instt. (MRI)/Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan

Visiting Scientist

May 2018

Jun 2018

Japan Business Center/ Meteorological Research Instt. (MRI)/Japan Meteorological Agency, Japan

Visiting Scientist

SCI Publications since 2010

  1. Arya V B, Sajani Surendran, K Rajendran, 2020: On the buildup of dust aerosols and possible indirect effect during Indian summer monsoon break spells using recent satellite observations of aerosols and cloud properties. Journal of Earth System Sciences, in press.

  2. Stella Jes Varghese, Sajani Surendran, K Rajendran, A Kitoh, 2020: Future projections of Indian Summer Monsoon under multiple RCPs using a high resolution global climate model multiforcing ensemble simulations. Climate Dynamics, 54, 1315-1328 pp.

  3. Stella Jes Varghese, Sajani Surendran, B Ajithkumar, K Rajendran, A Kitoh, 2020: Future changes in rice yield over Kerala using climate change scenario from high resolution global climate model projection. Journal of Earth System Sciences, 129, 192 pp.

  4. Rajendran K, Sulochana Gadgil, Sajani Surendran, 2019: Monsoon Season Local Control on Precipitation over Warm Tropical Oceans.  Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 131, 1451-1465 pp.

  5. Sulochana Gadgil, K. Rajendran, D. S. Pai, 2019: A new rain-based index for the Indian summer monsoon rainfall. Mausam, 70 (3), 485—500 pp.

  6. Sajani Surendran, Sulochana Gadgil, K. Rajendran, Stella Jes Varghese, A Kitoh, 2019: Monsoon rainfall over India in June and link with northwest tropical pacific- June ISMR and link with northwest tropical Pacific. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 135 (3-4), 1195-1213 pp.

  7. Jayasankar C B, K Rajendran, Sajani Surendran, 2018: Monsoon Climate Change Projection for the Orographic West Coast of India using High Resolution Nested Dynamical Downscaling Model. J. Geophys. Res.- Atmospheres, 123 (15), 7821—7838 pp.

  8. Supantha Paul, Subimal Ghosh, K Rajendran, Raghu Murtugudde, 2018: Moisture supply from the Western Ghat forests to water deficit east coast of India. Geophys. Res. Letters, 45(9), 4337-4344 pp.

  9. Rajendran K, Sajani Surendran, A Kitoh, Stella Jes Varghese, 2016: Reduction of uncertainty associated with future changes in Indian summer monsoon projected by climate models and assessment of monsoon teleconnections. Proceedings of SPIE, 98820D.

  10. Sajani Surendran, K Rajendran, V B Arya, 2016: Precipitation-aerosol relationship over the Indian region during drought and excess summer monsoon years. Proceedings of SPIE, 98820Q.

  11. Jayasankar C B, Sajani Surendran, K Rajendran, 2015: Robust signals of future projections of Indian summer monsoon rainfall by IPCC AR5 climate models: Role of seasonal cycle and interannual variability. Geophysical Research Letters, 42, 3513-3520 pp.

  12. Shashikanth K, C G Madhusoodhanan, S Ghosh, T I Eldho, K Rajendran, Raghu Murtugudde, 2014: Comparing statistically downscaled simulations of Indian monsoon at different spatial resolutions. J. Hydrol., 519, Part D, 3163-3177 pp.

  13. Shashikanth K, K Salvi, S Ghosh, K Rajendran, 2013: Do CMIP5 Simulations of Indian summer Monsoon Rainfall Differ from those of CMIP3? Atmos. Sci. Lett, 15(2), 79-85 pp.

  14. Rajendran K, Sajani Surendran, C B Jayasankar, A Kitoh, 2013: How dependent is climate change projection of Indian summer monsoon rainfall and extreme events on model resolution? Curr. Science, 104 (10), 1409-1418 pp.

  15. Rajendran K, A Kitoh, J Srinivasan, 2013: Effect of SST variation on ITCZ in APE simulations. J. Meteorological Society of Japan, 91A, 195-215 pp. 

  16. Blackburn M and co-authors, 2013: The Aqua Planet Experiment (APE): CONTROL SST Simulation. J. Meteorological Society of Japan, 91A, 17-56 pp.

  17. Williamson D L and co-authors, 2013: The Aqua Planet Experiment (APE): Response to changed meridional SST profile. J. Meteorological Society of Japan, 91A, 57-89 pp.

  18. Krishnan R and co-authors, 2013: Will the South Asian monsoon overturning circulation stabilize any further? Climate Dynamics, 40, 187-211 pp.

  19. Rajendran K, A Kitoh, J Srinivasan, R Mizuta, R Krishnan, 2012: Monsoon circulation interaction with Western Ghats orography under changing climate: Projection by a 20-km mesh AGCM. Theor. Appl. Clim., 110(4), 555-571 pp.

  20. Inoue T, K Rajendran, M Satoh, H Miura, J Schmetz, 2012: Semi-diurnal variation of surface rainfall studied from global cloud-system resolving model and satellite observations. Proceedings of SPIE, 85290

  21. Sajani Surendran, K Krishna Moorthy, K Rajendran , Ravi S Nanjundiah, 2012: Monsoon sensitivity to aerosol direct radiative forcing in the Community Atmospheric Model. J. Earth System Sciences, 121 (4), 867-889.

  22. Rajendran K, Ravi S Nanjundiah, Sulochana Gadgil, J Srinivasan, 2012: How good are the simulations of tropical SST-rainfall relationship by IPCC AR4 atmospheric and coupled models? J. Earth Syst. Sci., 121 (3), 595-610 pp.


The above information is provided by the concerned staff/employee on December 24, 2020.